Wednesday Nights
6:30 - 7:30
Ages 4 yrs. by Aug. 14 - 6th grade
6:30 - 7:30
Ages 4 yrs. by Aug. 14 - 6th grade
Caravan is broken down into 3 groups: Searcher (1 & 2 grade), Explorer (3 & 4 grade) and Adventurer (5 & 6 grade). Those that are 4 or 5 by August 14, 2010 are Benson Buddies.
The Caravan uniform consists of a white or a Caravan shirt; blue pants/ shorts/skirt; and Caravan scarf or sash (if purchased). The Benson Buddies uniform is a white or Caravan shirt and blue pants/shorts/skirt.
Dues are brought in (.50 each night) to be used for our missions* project. Children should bring their Bible. New International Version is recommended, but not required.
The Buddies and Caravan journey takes place Wednesday nights August 25 through June 1. We begin at 6:30 PM in the opening room. Parents need to walk their children to the room and sign them in. The room will open at 6:15 pm. Children will learn skills and abilities to help them develop as God planned physically, socially, mentally, and spiritually. Benson Buddies* lessons help them discover the world in which they live and lays a foundation for Christian living. Buddies and Children can be picked up from the Gym at 7:30 pm.
Registration Fees
There is a $35.00 registration fee to help cover the cost of uniforms, badges, and books.
There is a parent meeting
Sunday, August 22, 2010
after the morning service in the chapel.